Purbeck U3A - Mah-Jong Group

The group is structured to enable members to be able to play as many full games reasonably quickly and competitively during each session in a friendly and sociable atmosphere. A full game being normal play, goulash and scoring with tallies, rotating winds and recognising penalties all in accordance with British Mah Jong Association ("BMJA") rules.)

Local ‘Purbeck’ variations have been introduced to enhance competitive play. Players are not permitted to ‘Go Mah Jong’ with a ‘dirty’ hand and may choose to use what are known as ‘Purbeck Special Hands’ in their game play. These Purbeck Special Hands are 14 hands not provided for under BMJA rules but are widely used throughout the world. The scores applicable to these Purbeck Special Hands have been brought into line with BMJA special hands scores.

Crib sheets are provided covering all aspects of play for which a one- off charge of £5 applies.

Meetings will generally take place twice monthly on a Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year at Harmans Cross Village Hall starting at 2.00 p.m. prompt and continuing until about 4.30 p.m. In line with U3A philosophy it is very much a self-help group with members taking it in turns to set up the hall with tables and lay out the games as well as organise refreshments. In interim weeks many members’ meet at one another’s houses and Mah Jong sets, racks, tallies and tables may be borrowed from the Group Leader. On these occasions the host typically determines the rules of play. Attendance at Harmans Cross costs £1 per session and at Members’ homes a donation of 50 pence is recommended to cover cost of hosts’ refreshments.

The host also determines how many players take part and the table plans and arrangements

i.e. two tables of 5 or two tables of 3 and one table of 4 etc.

In general, players at each table will be decided randomly, but this is subject to the discretion of the host.

The host also decides whether non BMJA special hands ("Purbeck Special Hands") are allowed and any fun variations of the game to be played that day.

e.g. Purbeck Special Hands permitted or individual special hands nominated to players or tiles placed face down etc.

Other members and Guests are welcome at the Harmans Cross meetings provided that advance notice has been given and there are sufficient players. Guests are required to join U3A if they wish to attend more than one meeting.

Ideally games are played by four persons although games may also be played satisfactorily by 3 persons. A group of 5 people may also participate in the game by one person in turn sitting out during a round. Complete beginners are welcome at Harmans Cross but are expected to commit initially to playing weekly for about 5 - 6 weeks in order to gain an adequate level of proficiency and not to detract from the enjoyment of other players. Also Beginners may be asked to play jointly with a more experienced player in order to achieve a level of play similar to the rest of the players.

The group will adhere to the rules of the British Mah Jong Association as generally set out in the booklet authored by Peter Gregory. Copies of the rules may be purchased from www.MahJongBritishRules.com but other booklets on the market are usually equally useful. ‘Know the Game’ booklet is good although rules have been updated over the years with each reprint.

Group members are required to have their own email address or a buddy with email who is prepared to relay messages. Virtually all communications among the group are by email.

Meeting dates and venues will be decided in advance and details and any changes circulated by email. Members are asked to indicate their attendance at Harmans Cross or otherwise at least two weeks in advance. Care must be taken with members’ email addresses and any email response(s) addressed just to those requiring information. Blind copying (bcc) when circulating emails is encouraged.

Names of prospective members may be put on a waiting list until circumstances permit their inclusion to the group in accordance with the practices set out in this Summary - until then they are welcome to play as Guests when circumstances permit.

This Summary of the structure of the group is subject to change in line with the requirements of the group’s members.

Clive Bacon, Group Leader mahjong@purbecku3a.org.uk July 2015

Contact:  mahjong@purbecku3a.org.uk  for more details.